Saturday, November 17, 2007

All ye Piffons...

Yes yes we are coming soon and all that but until then... some pif-isms you must be aware of...

--> If you are a living breathing creature you will be made fun of, if you cannot handle it you must find a way to cultivate Rhino skin so's it will bounce off you!

--> this is not some kind of fad... so be Piffy only if you are truly and genuinely so... you must believe in nonsense as a way of life and not just as a word meant to showcase your cursing abilities from your days as a 80's Melayalum Herro.

-->We are as funny as we are serious, in order to prove this we will put up a very serious looking portrait taken in a studio by a photoshop artist who will immediately transfer us to a scenic pedestrian crossing in the 'YOU.YESS.YAYE' from where we will cross the road and proceed to PIF you...

Lastly be scared, be very scared...

Coming Soon...

... We promise!